Wisconsin, Missouri, Whatever

August 6, 2012 at 1:13 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments

That last post of mine was terrific, wasn’t it? Acerbic, pointed, typical MR.

Too bad I had the two events in the same state when reallly, they’re in two different states.

It would have made  pretty good blog if I’d said that the attack on the temple in Wisconsin illustrates how silly the Missouri amendement is. Too bad I didn’t write that one.

There are several morals to this story:

1) Don’t write blog posts in a hurry when you’re rushing to leave on vacation.

2) Don’t spend your life on the East and West coasts. There really is a lot to learn about in between.

3) Study harder in geography class.




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  1. I love your blog! And I’m glad you care about those of us who live between the coasts and that you,in fact, used to live here with us somewhere in the middle.


    • Thanks, Meg. But just so you know, when I lived there inLoveland, OH our dear Elise Gorges from Kansas regularly contracted me when I described Ohio as the Midwest. She said it was the East, so it seems I never got of the East in my whole life (except for two drives across route 80!)


  2. So what’s with this advertisement? . . . I wish there was a button below it to “unlike”
    Are you running into hard times that you have to stoop this low?


    • Dear Wholly, I was being ironic. If you read the post you will see that I (idiotically) confused Wisconsin with Missouri in my previous post and was making fun of myself.


      • Hi Marian,
        I was talking about the youtube video advertisement that appears directly below your column. I didn’t understand what the tie-in was or what product it was touting. Something about a guy eating a hamburger and puking. I see you have a different one today. It was asking me to be the first to “like” it, and I wasn’t going to bite.


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